
Can We Make It Better?

Some things can't be improved. We can't make our height, our place of birth or the job we left last year any better. It's tempting to add things like temperament, public speaking, creativity, drawing, playing music and hearing tone to this list. These are often referred to as talents or gifts, which are somehow naturally bestowed upon us at birth. Hogwash. This is just a way of hiding and avoiding the fear of failing, which is what's required to get better.

If we can learn about it, practice it and measure our progress, we can get better at it. If we can see our future self becoming more approachable, more generous, better at giving and receiving feedback, playing an instrument, singing in front of people, articulating clear points or being a better rower, the only thing stopping us from getting there is our choice to not make it a priority to do so. It has nothing to do with natural talent.

We need to be mindful of the possibilities we rule out...because the list is probably shorter than we think.

Things You Should Be Able to Do

  • Develop a well constructed thought in writing
  • Hold a naturally flowing conversation
  • Ask insightful questions
  • Create a useful spreadsheet (with formulas)
  • Develop a budget
  • Develop a One Page Marketing Plan
  • Create a One Page Website
  • Buy a URL
  • Understand how Facebook/Instagram/Twitter works
  • Take photo with your phone and post it to Instagram
  • Create a short movie
  • Create a Youtube/Vimeo Channel
  • Make a podcast
  • Create a Blog
  • Create a Mailchimp/Constant Contact program (including the email to be released)
  • Explain RSS
  • Understand how a personal computer works
  • Understand how the combustion engine works...and how a car moves
  • Understand how a camera works
  • Be able to explain the “cloud”
  • Be able to solve interesting problems
  • Inspire others to change the outcome of something
  • Greet strangers and make them feel welcome
  • Smile...a lot
  • Be wrong
  • Create art
  • Plan an event
  • Describe far-off place you have experienced
  • Share your Core Values
  • Share your Dream...your Purpose
  • Share the last five books you read
  • Share what you do for fun
  • Share what you are learning now
  • Share something you have made (created) in the last year