
You Only Live Once

Many things we do are permanent. Most of our life choices are indelible and create the fabric of who we we’re seen. And, our choices also shape the world around we’re all seen. Our own actions then come with great responsibility. Acting carelessly or too freely comes at a cost, both personally and culturally. Caring enough to act is if what we do will always make a difference rather than it probably won’t matter is a posture worth consideration.

Everything someone. And, as far as we know, there are no do overs. Our actions count. All of them. We each make our small dent in the universe. The size isn’t important. But, the impact is. Choose wisely.



It's the fundamental question great leaders ask. And they do it incessantly. Why does this happen? And why does it happen this way? It's not used to demean others or gain prove someone wrong. It's a mindset and posture of research, learning more about the world around they can change it.

Making things better requires understanding. And sometimes, unintentional understanding. Digging around with intention, learning about things randomly, often sparks a new idea. Sometimes it's a bad idea. But, as we know, bad ideas lead to good ones...eventually.

It's now easier than ever to dig. Books are available to everyone. So are videos, lectures and college level courses. Much of this information is free, or nearly free. The costs are time and a computer. Yet, despite access, people choose not to dig. What a shame.

Dig around, stir up some dust...and go make a dent.

Random Small Acts

Approximately 50,000 years ago a relatively small nickel-iron meteorite left it's indelible mark near Winslow, Arizona. The 160 foot rock left a crater nearly a mile wide at the rim and half a mile deep when it struck. As far as we know, it did so without any celebration or fuss. But, the resulting dent can be seen from space and remains a popular attraction along the famed, historic US Route 66.

It's unlikely a meteorite navigates with any intention. But if it did, imagine either the chaos or peace it would bring to things and lives in its path. Unlike meteorites, we can choose to steer. We can choose to act in a way which always leaves a good dent, and makes things specifically better...with intention. We can choose to have purpose so even our random, small acts end up making a difference...perhaps over time a big difference.

Choose to act. Choose to steer. Choose wisely.

And by all means, go make a dent.

Small Dents

We often think of achievement in terms of the big acts...making our big dent in the universe. It's sometimes lost that these big, more noticeable dents are made up of much smaller ones...the habits which turn the ratchet in the right direction. Our work is made-up of tiny dents, behaviors and practices, which define our culture and how we are seen by the world. The larger dents are determined foremost by our actions underneath, often when no one is looking....our character.

A character of persistent forward motion, learning and adapting, chiseling away to make things better, is the key to making progress.

The size of the dent isn't so important. But, making them is. Best then to focus on making small ones, which might just lead to a big one or two.

Please go make your dent!