Esoteric and Average

Most things worth doing, those which get talked about, require them to be intentional act or craft for a defined audience.  Commodities on the other hand are made for the masses, virtually everyone. By nature they're general...the more vague the promise, the better. There's some room in between. But, most us, and the things we're interested in, gravitate towards one end or the other.

The seemingly logical path, the more safe direction, is to make something which appeals to more people...bigger is better. But, the problem with scale is its inherent nature to become average. As our offering evolves to attract more and more people, it needs to reflect the characteristics of this larger audience. And a mass audience is seeking in status, reliability, price and value. It needs to work for them on those axes. It's this force, moving away from the edges, which changes what's on offer from being unique to common.

We need order to have esoteric. And making average is fine as long as it's what we set out to do. Too often though, we start with unique and then compromise, drip by drip, which leads to the place we were trying so hard to avoid at the outset.

Esoteric is limiting. So is average. Both are worth doing. But one shouldn't lead to the other. Choose early...and choose wisely.