Energy of The Crowd

Energy as it relates to biology and chemistry is a physiological process which enables us to generate heat and do function. But, there's another type of energy, the one we most often refer to when describing our capacity to do more. This energy is derived not from sustenance, but from psychological inputs. Moreover, it's largely a function of who we choose to be around.

Running a marathon is challenging. Many people fade near the end...they have no more energy, no more reserve in the tank to continue. Along come some fellow runners, who through their care and encouragement, give the spent athlete new life and the capacity to finish. Students go to class and somehow survive through the boring lecture, but feel mentally drained after each session. The same students show up at another class fortunate to be part of an inspiring, inclusive, group workshop because the teacher cared enough to make school better.

Leadership, caring enough to see someone and help them change things for the better, creates energy. Fill a room with likeminded people all with their hair on fire to go somewhere and you have a movement.

Create energy, lead, and start a movement. But first, find some energy by joining the right crowd.

Choose wisely.