The Power of Caring

A couple of short stories...

A young boy recently lost his iPod while staying at the Capital Hotel...left it in the room on the bed when he and his mom went out for the evening. They returned to find it missing. Everyone looked everywhere for that luck. The company thing to do was to take a report, impersonally apologize, suggest using the in-room safe, deny any accountability and wish them good luck. The human thing to do was to care...and that's what the staff did...called to apologize, promptly sent the boy a new iPod (no questions asked) and threw in an iTunes gift card for good measure. Later, the mom called amazed the hotel would do such a thing...the boy penned a thank you note that would make any parent proud. The power of this story will live a long time...for both sides. No need to ask if it was worth the $350.

A gentleman recently  came to the front desk of this same hotel looking for a tie. Seems he had forgotten his and had a an important dinner to attend in two hours. Unfortunately, the men's clothing store, located in the lobby, was already closed. A "company" hotel would apologize, say how bad they feel and offer directions to the nearest mall. A caring hotel staff (like this one) would call the men's store owner, who would immediately come down and open the shop, provide fashion guidance and make sure the man had the perfect tie...and a lifetime customer service memory.

Personal care is the most powerful tool in your box. And, it happens to be the one used the least often. Imagine the opportunities.
