Making More Average

One of the main reasons average products fail is that they’re easy to duplicate…it’s easy to offer more choices of the same thing. So, if the numbers look right to the developer and the bank, the development of average stuff can get out of hand in a hurry. For example, take our little town of Pagosa Springs. There are a number of average hotels here. But, to me there are indications we need more rooms to satisfy the exponentially increasing visitor traffic, especially during the summer. One trip to the local grocery store in July is all the research you need to validate my hunch. I’ve heard talk about more hotels…but, there’s a problem. All of the talk is about building more of the same, likely because it can be done fast, it’s not as complicated and it’s much easier to explain to the people footing the bill. This approach is fine if you believe there’s an insatiable desire for more average hotels…and, that this desire will last a while. But, it’s dangerous if you believe people really want something better, and when you're finished, you’re one of the many average choices. It’s especially bad for the person saddled with paying the mortgage.

Your challenge in developing a new hotel (or any product or service) is to build an experience that will last. You need to anticipate what people want and will want…for a long time. Then, bring something to market that 1. satisfies those desires, and 2. is extremely difficult if not impossible to replicate…build something remarkable. Yes, it’s harder and more expensive up front. But, it pays-off later when you’re the only one giving people what they want. 
