An interseting trend. But, one that I think is relegated to the lower and mid price markets. One, because the tubs in those properties are not very inviting. And, two, for the most part, their guests are in a "hurry". So, it makes sense. But, at the luxury level a nice soothing whirlpool bath is still in demand and a significant part of a memorable experience. Keep'em.
More Hotel Chains Are Dumping The Tub | charlotte.com
As travelers take showers, hotel-company executives have been watching. And apparently they like what they see. In a move spurred by what hotels say is customer demand, major U.S. hotel chains are getting rid of what would seem to be an essential element of a bathroom: the bath. They're replacing tubs with bigger shower stalls in a nod, they say, to the reality that few travelers take baths on the road. Hilton Hotels Corp. has quietly started testing shower-only rooms at two of its signature properties: the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, Calif., and the New York Hilton. Company president Matt Hart says he's no fan of the tub.
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