status quo

The Power of The Status Quo

Change is indeed difficult. But not necessarily because what's on offer isn't better. Part of the resistance is our comfort with small problems. Things which work reasonably well, get the job done despite any minor inconveniences are okay for now. Add to this any sunk cost, whether it be money, time, or status invested in the current thing and the price of changing goes up even more. And finally, our attachment to the immediate and unwillingness to see a better future, despite logic and provable truth is often too powerful to overcome.

What happens when it works? What story do we tell ourselves about the risks and rewards? What level of discomfort is no longer tolerable? When does status and the pressure of fitting in with the the new idea, technology or way of doing things start to gain traction? When does it become clear our problems are better solved? And, why didn't we see all of this sooner?

The harbor feels safe because it is...right now. It's the best option at the moment. But this too will change, no matter what we hope or believe. But, we also get to choose...whether to be curious, to poke around, to consider other options. And most importantly, we get to choose to change...and make things better. Choose wisely.

Where Are We Going?

Hopefully, somewhere. Hopefully, forward, getting better and making things better. Hopefully, we're making strides. Hopefully, we persist despite the odds against us. Hopefully, we don't settle. Hopefully, we're never satisfied. Hopefully, we have a dream, a to reach for, both for ourselves and the world around us. We all deserve forward motion...and we all need it. It's part of the human condition. The question then isn't if we're going, it's where are we going?

We're all going somewhere. Hopefully it's not in circles.

Choose Wisely.

Just The Way It Is

Why change anything? Why make things better? Why put ourselves through this?

It’s just the way it is.

But of course, it’s not. Nothing stays the same. There are too many forces at work keeping everything in a state of motion, both good and bad, forward and backward. Even the status quo evolves. In technology, fashion, medicine, travel, etc. the new norm was unthinkable a few decades ago.

We can actively participate in affecting the type of change we seek. Or, we can sit it out and watch things unfold. But, what we can’t do is expect things to stay the same.

Lean in…or out. Choose wisely.

HT, Bruce Hornsby