book smart

Being Book Smart

...isn’t good enough anymore.

There was a time (not that long ago) when the demonstration of knowledge, recital of facts and being able to do this efficiently gave us a significant advantage in terms of being chosen to do work and then also doing it. But with the advent of the internet, information flows freely to everyone. And the ability to know more than another isn’t scarce anymore…this advantage is lost.

The new (and it can be argued even the old) advantage is earned through the mastery of engagement skills, people skills…real skills. Beyond the the expertise of a subject is the ability to talk about it, to be humble about it, to show passion for it, and to persuade others why it’s important. The ability to make change happen doesn’t come from a book…or from the internet for that matter. It comes from the ability to lead through connection and engagement with people.

Books are a wonderful part of the learning process. But books alone are not the answer to meaningful change. It’s what we do with those facts and how we affect others with our knowledge that matters. Please read books. Then start a book club.