Letting Go

Our past, including just a minute ago, clarifies why. It shows what we stand for, what we believe and what we prioritize. We tell by our actions if we're organized, financially driven, caring or careful.  The proof is in the pudding as they say.

Our why changes. As we receive inputs, we form new points of view and new priorities. We change our minds. It's one of the fortunate and unique abilities of being human. We can modify almost any behavior if it's important to us, if it helps us get to where we're going. What we choose do in the present determines our future, who we will become. So, if doing what we did yesterday doesn't help make a better tomorrow, we can change it, both for ourselves and for those around us. The key is to choose to see a better tomorrow, to define it...and then do something to get there, which might include letting go of the why we had yesterday.