
Incidental vs. Purposeful

Most of our work (maybe all) fits into these two categories. 

The incidental work is that which generally can be done by anyone...once they have enough practice, skill, experience, etc. Balancing the books, selling phones, cooking and even heart surgery are examples of incidental work. 

Purposeful is that part of the work which makes it unique to the person doing it. It’s the art we add to our work, the emotional cruft, which gets noticed and talked about. It’s the knife maker who pours himself into every piece. It’s the Walmart greeter’s work which challenges the status quo of what it means to be a greeter. 

Purposeful work is scarce, irreplaceable and worth a premium. Incidental work is abundant and commoditized. All work has incidental elements. But not all work is purposeful. Choosing to do something with purpose, to do work that matters, is what makes us human.  It’s a shame when this opportunity is wasted and we settle for work which is less than what we are capable of doing…to feel safe and just to get by.

Which part of our work would be missed if we were gone? 

Choose the work wisely…legacies matter.