Three Things

…we can do with our time.

Learn- Either learn something new. Or, learn more about something we’re already invested in. Either way, the forward motion alone will amplify the next two things on the list. 

Gain Experience- Do stuff. Create, build, practice, fail, be embarrassed…rinse and repeat. Experience is the separator in choosing ourselves for the gig, the job, the play, the presentation or parenting. The key is to start, no matter how long we’ve put it off.

Earn Trust- Connect with others. Find them, see them, understand them, especially when they have a different point of view. This is easier to do than ever before…almost everyone is stopped, connected by the internet and looking for ways to fill in the time gaps. Seize the opportunity of a more direct and deeper connection to develop the real skills...the human skills. Serve someone with emotional labor. Become an artist…offer help, kindness and respect. And do it without condition. Be an innkeeper.

The cost of any and all three is nearly zero in terms of dollars. The only real expense is time…which some of us have more of than we ever had.