The Most Important Elements of a Successful Hotel Opening

I recently had the opportunity to share my relatively straightforward (and, I'm certain incomplete) prescription to successfully birth a new hotel...

  1. Ensure there is one voice and vision, from the top of the organization to the bottom.
  2. Establish realistic and clear objectives to get your team some wins...perhaps to first open the best hotel in your town. Then, work toward higher expectations, five star, best regionally and nationally, etc.
  3. Ensure that there is a culture of teamwork and pride, based on trust, passion for excellence and empowerment.
  4. Hire the best talent you can afford...that's the key to achieving #3.
  5. Ensure all decisions are well balanced, between owner priorities, guest and employee satisfaction.
  6. Ensure there is complete harmony between all aspects of the guest experience. Perfectly align the physical product quality, service and hospitality, and marketing/promotional efforts.

I forgot a couple...take deep breaths. And, have fun!

Let me know what else I'm missing...