More for Less

According to the 2007 Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Engagement Index(R), recently released by Brand Keys, Inc., hotel guests are asking for more...more  "efficient services". They are placing a higher importance on the experience and emotional engagement than other aspects of the stay. From the article...

"Consumers may be willing to settle for less," said Passikoff, "But they expect more and better customer service in this category." Service and customer service elements increased in importance in 54% of the categories. "That's 100% of the categories that have any customer service component at all,' noted Passikoff."

What all this means is that you have a growing opportunity to be different, to be remarkable, to step on the gas, etc. But, not by being bigger, more expensive, cheaper or cleaner. Rather, by being the best at engaging with people. Or, as I like to say, giving people what they want and delivering it in a meaningful way.