indieHotelier Show Tomorrow

Tomorrow's live indieHotelier show should be interesting. Along with our normal cast of Solution Squad characters, we're priveleged to be joined by marketing and change expert, Tony Longhurst, who will lead us in a discussion about the very hot topics of sustainability and social responsibility. Naturally, the focus will be on hotels, including trends, benefits and a scorecard on how we're doing as an industry. We'll be taking caller questions and comments. So, please drop-in.

To join us live at 11 AM EST, visit the indieHotelier page on Talkshoe, or register for a pin at Talkshoe and call-in via phone:

(724) 444-7444. Once you call-in, you'll be prompted for the talkcast ID (5544) and your pin.

Or, listen to the podcast which is released the following Monday (somtimes over the weekend).

I hope you can join us.