More Thoughts on Hospitality

Neighborliness...that's the one word definition of hospitality from Roget's Thesaurus. Sums it up pretty well I think.

And, just to add flavor...


accommodation, affability, amiability, cheer, companionship, comradeship, consideration, conviviality, cordiality, entertainment, friendliness, generosity, geniality, good cheer, good fellowship, heartiness, hospitableness, obligingness, reception, sociability, warmth, welcome



If you infuse as much of the above (sans the antonym) into the functions of your day-to-day business...the SOP's, transactions, conversations and interactions, you'll be ahead in the game, probably way ahead.

I define hospitality as an art...a blend of flawless service execution and passionate care. Or, in other words, giving people what they want and delivering it in a meaningful way.

Like most remarkable things, the idea is relatively simple. Doing it well...that's the hard part.