Management By Wandering Around...


A recent Tom Peters blog entry (and my time at Keyah Grande) reminds me how important this concept is to our business. In fact, it may be the most important. Inarguably, it’s the most effective way to stay in touch with your staff and your guests. And, the best way to show you care about people…period.

The other thing I’ve come to realize about MBWA is how difficult it is to do when you’re “big”. It really takes effort the more people and square footage involved vs. a small place where the nature of the hands-on operation makes it a requirement and it just happens. Either way, the result is that you learn what’s important…staying in touch with people. Do it well, and you’re rewarded with guests who go out and spread your story and with employees who remain allegiant through thick and thin. Do it poorly, or not at all, and you know the rest of the story…

If you have any MBWA stories, please share.