Front Line Immersion

This might very well be the most important part of the entire Memorable Solutions process. It’s where we separate fact from fiction. Respectively, any reputable service training company (that’s not really what I do. But, it’s close enough for comparison here) should be doing this….but, they traditionally don’t. Here’s what most service training companies provide you:

1. A cursory review of your job descriptions, training manuals, service standards and other written materials.
2. If you pay extra, you might receive a service evaluation, i.e., shopper’s report.
3. A three to four hour presentation to key managers and supervisors on how important service really is, and how they can motivate their employees to give better service. The presentation may include some really boring Powerpoint and will likely have a few jokes mixed in with some interactive “games” to keep people from falling asleep.

That’s not how they should do it! Here’s how I do it.

I ask where you are receiving your worst and best service scores (assuming your measuring service somehow). If there are no measurements, I ask a few people at different levels to guess!
Then, I Immerse myself in the jobs of those areas…I simply take on the role of the employee. Why? I need two forms of feedback in order to properly evaluate and improve service delivery….I need firsthand customer feedback, and firsthand employee feedback. Without it, I might as well just read the job descriptions in my office, and offer theories on how to repair something that might not even be broken.


If you want to help a pizza restaurant improve their delivery program, saddle up with two or three different delivery employees, and hit the streets. Do that for a few days, and you will know more than the store manager….guaranteed. After the front line immersion, you know what the customers are saying, what the employees are saying, and most importantly, how both are relating to each other.

Now, I can report findings, offer some expert opinions, and guide the company on making changes. You will note, I don’t give the answers. I don’t have them….the managers, supervisors and employees do. It’s my job to show them how and where to find them, how to collaborate on developing them and how to develop systems to monitor them.